DeFur Voran has a clear commitment to professionalism, our clients and the communities we serve.

We hope you’ll take a moment to catch up on our firm news and other topics of interest.


DISCLAIMER: The materials found on this website have been prepared by DeFur Voran LLP to provide information about the services we offer to our clients and to provide information of general interest about a variety of legal subjects intended for general information purposes only (“General Information”). This General Information is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. This General Information is not an alternative to obtaining legal advice from a legal services provider and you are urged to consult with your own legal counsel on specific legal questions concerning your situation. By accessing this website, you understand that the General Information provided does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and DeFur Voran LLP.”

IndyBar: Nearly 600 Helped at Ask a Lawyer

For many of our neighbors, facing a legal problem with limited resources or practical knowledge can be stressful and downright frightening. At Ask a Lawyer on Oct. 13, more than 100 IndyBar paralegal and attorney volunteers stepped out of their offices and into sites across Indy to provide meaningful advice and assistance to 596 Hoosiers…. Read more »

Our Growing Senior Population

During national Elder Law Month, which is every May, elder law attorneys across the country offer public seminars, Elder Law clinics, and other activities designed to educate the public. To commemorate Elder Law Month in Indiana, the Indiana State Bar Association’s Probate, Trust, & Real Property Section (“PTRP Section”) and Elder Law Section, in conjunction… Read more »

Announcement of New Partners

DeFur Voran LLP is pleased to announce that Jon Madison, Nicholas Tokar, and Michael Wilhelm were elected Partners to the firm effective January 1, 2015.

Attorneys Named to Super Lawyers List 2015

Scott E. Shockley, Nick Tokar and Matt Kelsey, attorneys with the Muncie-based firm of DeFur Voran, have been named to the Indiana Super Lawyerslist for 2015.  Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding attorneys from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of professional achievement and peer recognition.  The selection… Read more »

Ten Ways to Make Your Lawyer Rich

1. Tell your lawyer not to bother making a Transfer on Death Deed for your home for $200 – instead force your kids to open an estate administration after you have died to transfer the house, costing them $2,000.00. 2. Don’t make a Will even though you have a second wife and kids by your… Read more »

Four New Attorneys Join DeFur Voran

Christopher Bills, Kelli Liggett, Zac Karanovich, and Dan Kerns recently joined DeFur Voran.  Mr. Bills and Ms. Liggett will work out of the Muncie office, while Mr. Karanovich and Mr. Kerns will work out of the Fishers office. On behalf of the firm, Jim Borgmann, Managing Partner, said “We are pleased to add four young… Read more »

Quilts by Barbara Moll

(From The Star Press, Muncie, Indiana, 10/15/2014)   By John Carlson  [email protected] That Barbara Moll’s fantastic quilts are fine art is indisputable to anyone who lays eyes on them. Walking into Minnetrista’s Indiana Room, her wall-hangings, ranging from works nearly small as placemats to others approaching 5×7 feet, seem ablaze with color, captured in forms… Read more »